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Signs of Fentanyl Addiction And Various Treatment Options

With the advancements in science and research, drug addiction is the one of the greatest challenges the mankind is dealing with right now. It is the dependence on an illegal drug or medicine on a compulsive and repetitive fashion in order to lead a life of normalcy. This condition is primarily a chronic, neurobiological disease influenced by genetic, psychosocial and environmental factors which further manifests and worsens the situation.

Fentanyl is a potent opioid narcotic used to treat severe chronic pain and is abused for the pleasure it offers on ingestion. This kind of addiction is very powerful and dangerous, whose properties make it extremely difficult to quit once taken hold by the dependence.

So, whatis fentanyl?

With 100 times stronger than morphine, fentanyl is a synthetic opioid prescription used as a pain reliever in extreme cases of pain like cancer, bone injuries or severe back pain. The drug works by binding with the brain's opiate receptors which thereby increase dopamine levels. The high levels of dopamine which is responsible for reward-driven learning, thereby results in euphoria and ecstasy. Some of the street names of fentanyl are - Apache, dance fever, China girl, goodfella, jackpot, murder 8, TNT and many more.

Signs of fentanyl addiction

Since fentanyl can reach the central nervous system very quickly its effects are worrisome when used on an overdose. Some of them are

  • Respiratory depression followed by respiratory arrest
  • Cardiovascular collapse leading to cardiac arrest
  • Severe anaphylaxis
  • Other complaints include sweating, head ache, fever, cramps, vomiting etc.

Fentanyl addiction Treatment

Fentanyl withdrawal is very hard for those who've abused for a long period time. Inpatient drug addiction treatment centers are one amongst the successful options when combating against Fentanyl-addiction. Since fentanyl is highly potent, detoxification programs are quite unpleasant as a drop in the endorphin levels sends scrambled messages from the brain to the body. Apart from the therapy itself, a caring and hospitable environment around is required to aid the speedy recovery of the patient. Few of the treatment methods are

1. Counter drugs:

Primary detox programs of fantanyl start with buprenorphine, which apart from restraining the drug cravings also lessens the withdrawal symptoms. It impedes the effect of fentanyl, thereby reducing the euphoric feeling and aids in its withdrawal.

Naltrexone - an opioid receptor antagonist has been found to block fentanyl's euphoric effects as well. This drug also serves its purpose when surgically inserted under the skin.

Methadone - Available in tablet or oral solution, methadone is also prescribed to individuals to reduce fentanyl cravings without side effects.

2. Waismann method:

This is a renowned rapid detox program that has a high success rate in treating fentanyl addiction. Patients are led to a deep slumber under light sedation while the treatment takes place. Increased withdrawal symptoms take place within hours while the medication is in progress and the patient gets to experience nothing of it. They wake up to normalcy with the addiction to fentanyl no more in their system.

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Counseling:

In CBT, patients are counseled to replace their thought patterns of fentanyl abuse with healthier ones thereby helping them deal with the cravings better. Also they are taught to realize their potential to tackle problems and face challenges, rather than depending on drugs.

4. Group therapy:

Groups specialized in programs for fentanyl addicts are aplenty which help the patients interact their issues with one another thereby building a very supportive group around them. By having a group of similar cases together, one gets to hear a very positive feedback about the treatment methods and helps in confidently taking up the treatment themselves. The relief centers are also managed by friendly staff and caretakers, who by their relentless service, speed up the recovery process.

5. Home based treatments:

Home based fentanyl treatments can also be carried on for patients who would like to recover at the comfort of staying from home. It includes a doctor's visit at home or his office during which the detox program is decided. During the program, communication via phone, email is encouraged by the support team incase of any discomfort, which is caused by any of the withdrawal symptoms.

With fentanyl addiction treatment available aplenty, prompt recovery is guaranteed if the medication and treatment methods are followed stringently. Happy recovery!


  • Methadone's life threatening side effects have occurred even in patients that were just starting to use methadone for pain control, and have also been observed in patients who have switched to methadone after being treated for pain with other strong narcotic pain relievers.
  • Inhalants are highly addictive when abused recreationally which can lead to a chronic substance abuse problem that will often extend into adulthood.
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  • There are different stages and severity of drug and alcohol withdrawal, although Individuals will typically start to feel worse and worse, hit a plateau, and then symptoms begin to dissipate.