- Over 500,000 emergency room visits related to the use of alcohol in combination with other drugs in 2009 included the following drugs: central nervous system agents (e.g., analgesics, stimulants, sedatives) (229,230 visits), cocaine (152,631 visits), marijuana (125,438 visits), psychotherapeutic agents (e.g., antidepressants and antipsychotics) (44,217 visits), heroin (43,110 visits)
- The rate of current Ecstasy use among American youth aged 12 to 17 has remained a concern, and was at 0.5 percent in 2009 and 2010.
- Ketamine can be found in tablet, liquid form or powder form and can be extracted by evaporating the liquid and reducing it to a fine white powder that can be smoked or snorted.
- To experience drug withdrawal the user must have first developed a physical/psychological dependence to the drug.
Halfway House - Russellville, KY.A halfway house is a good option for a recovering drug addict that is searching for additional structure once they have completed a drug rehabilitation program. It is an atmosphere where they can be surrounded by like-minded persons who are in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. When you choose to reside at a halfway house (also known as recovery house or sober living) you will be required to maintain your sobriety. It is common that there will be additional rules that you will need to adhere to in order to maintain your residence at the halfway house. You may be expected to attend recovery meetings and be subjected to random drug tests to confirm your continued abstinence.