Ritalin is a drug that is most commonly prescribed for individuals diagnosed with ADHD (attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It's also prescribed for other reasons, including narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome. It's approved for use on both children and adults, although dosage amounts will vary. It's a psycho stimulant that can help to relax the mind and improve mental cognitive abilities.
There are a number of side effects associated with use of Ritalin, including abuse. Many people become addicted to using it because it produces many of the same effects of things like cocaine or amphetamines. Some people choose to increase the number of tablets they take while others crush them up and snort them. There are also individuals who inject this into their body to get an even stronger rush.
Ritalin is a prescription that many different types of people are addicted to, not just older adults. It is commonly passed around college campuses and used for partying as an alternative to cocaine. Many studies have found that Ritalin is even more potent than cocaine and can release high amounts of dopamine. This chemical makes the brain release good feelings, like it would if it were being rewarded. It's actually one of the most stolen prescriptions in the country.
After an abuser gets used to taking Ritalin in high doses, they will develop a tolerance that is hard to overcome. This means they will have to either change the way they administer the drug or increase the amount they take. Addiction can easily start to take over someone's life from here. A person who is addicted to Ritalin will have a hard time quitting because there are so many withdrawal symptoms. These can be severe for some and result in a number of health problems as well.
Side effects can be more intense when Ritalin is injected or snorted into the body rather than swallowed through a tablet. This is why so many people compare it to taking cocaine and why it can be dangerous as well. Many people are addicted to the way that they feel when they take it and how they are able to think.
Individuals that are going through withdrawal will experience symptoms based on their body and personal addiction. Each person is different and some people have more severe problems than others. The most common withdrawal symptoms include:
Individuals who were taking large dosages of this are going to have the most difficult time going through treatment. This is due to their body learning how to adjust back to normal once again. Even individuals who didn't abuse Ritalin can find that they feel some of the withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it. These are generally mild, but it differs with each person.
Users who are addicted to Ritalin can get treatment in a number of different ways. Going to a drug rehab center is one of the most effective because users are surrounded by professionals in a safe setting. In rehab centers they are also not allowed to bring in any drugs. This means they have to go through the treatment in a way that will get them clean quickly.
Doctors will help to make sure all patients are given the proper prescriptions and diets so that they can overcome the addiction and withdrawal symptoms as smoothly as possible. The transition from being addicted to being recovered is one that will take a long time. Many people relapse after they are able to finally quit, but this is not always the case with those who are dedicated to getting treatment.
After rehab is finished, those recovering are often prompted to go through twelve step programs to help them stay clean. Most people will struggle with this addiction throughout the rest of their life just like individuals addicted to meth or alcohol would. Having a strong support system is one of the most important tools for any Ritalin abuser to get over their addiction and stay clean.