- Over 500,000 emergency room visits related to the use of alcohol in combination with other drugs in 2009 included the following drugs: central nervous system agents (e.g., analgesics, stimulants, sedatives) (229,230 visits), cocaine (152,631 visits), marijuana (125,438 visits), psychotherapeutic agents (e.g., antidepressants and antipsychotics) (44,217 visits), heroin (43,110 visits)
- Synthetic forms of GHB have been reported to cause irritation to the lining of the stomach.
- Wine and beer are both very high in carbohydrates which release insulin, which can hasten fat storage.
- Success rates for drug rehab can vary depending on the type of treatment offered; although most drug rehabs have between a 2-20 percent success rate while other more superior programs report success rates as high as 75 percent.
Residential Beds for Clients Children - Rew, PA.The National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services reports that nearly 1,427,000 young children under the age of 18 live with a drug addicted mother in a single-parent household. With so many mothers in need of rehabilitation, obtaining programs that offer residential beds for clients children is important. Programs that accommodate the children of addicts are a rising area of drug treatment programs. Admitting that you have a drug addiction problem and require help is not an easy thing. Single mothers in this position are usually afraid that by admitting they will need drug addiction treatment; they will lose custody of their children. Drug rehabilitation programs providing residential beds for clients children are a superb way of helping the drug addicted mother while enabling her to go on to parent her children.