- Inhalants known to cause severe liver and kidney damage are toluene-containing substances and chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as correction fluids and dry cleaning fluids.
- Research indicates that past year rates of LSD use are much higher among twelfth graders and first year college students than any other age group.
- Research indicates women tend to start abusing alcohol later in life than men, but usually get help sooner than men.
- Parents who don't understand or consider the risks associated with giving prescription drugs to a teenager or other family member for whom the medication was not prescribed are putting these individuals at risk of adverse affects of prescription drug use as well as dependence and addiction.
Paw Paw, MI. - Hospital InpatientA person who is severely addicted to drugs or alcohol will benefit tremendously by receiving treatment from a hospital inpatient program. These types of programs are focused towards making the individual�''s withdrawal and detox as smooth as possible. Recovering persons will have access to medication as well as medical staff around the clock. While not every drug addict requires this level of care, it is useful to those who have severe physical addiction problems to drugs or alcohol. Hospital inpatient programs commonly last several days to several weeks. Once the inpatient part of their recovery is finished they may choose to participate at a sober living facility or transfer into an outpatient program.