- Nearly 7 million children under the age of 18 live in households with at least one parent who abuses alcohol.
- Methadone treatment can last for a significantly long period of time because individuals become dependent very quickly, in some instances for many years.
- Salvia can often be purchased for little more than the cost of a pack of cigarettes.
- Over 500,000 emergency room visits related to the use of alcohol in combination with other drugs in 2009 included the following drugs: central nervous system agents (e.g., analgesics, stimulants, sedatives) (229,230 visits), cocaine (152,631 visits), marijuana (125,438 visits), psychotherapeutic agents (e.g., antidepressants and antipsychotics) (44,217 visits), heroin (43,110 visits)
Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days) - New BerlinAttending and completing a residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days) program in New Berlin is generally the cornerstone in an addict's successful recovery from their particular struggles with drug and alcohol addiction. This form of drug rehab is much more intensive than others mainly because the person lives at the facility full-time during the treatment process. While many addicts are at first hesitant about attending a long-term program lasting longer than 30 days they soon realize the wonderful benefit. A residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days) program offers the recovering individual the time to completely withdrawal from drugs and focus on themselves. Shorter programs are not capable of this due to their brief duration.