- Inhalants are so popular among recreational drug users because they are legal, cheap, and often not really viewed as being a "drug".
- Out of all Ecstasy related emergency department visits in 2008, involving Ecstasy in combination with alcohol or other drugs, over 30% involved Ecstasy with one other drug, 15.0 percent involved two other drugs, 14.0 percent involved three other drugs, and 17.5 percent involved four or more other drugs.
- Valium dependent individuals eventually have to take more and more Valium more frequently to achieve the desired effects, and this can happen when someone is legitimately prescribed the drug or abusing the drug illicitly.
- Studies indicate that elevated levels of serum C-reactive protein (CRP), a protein associated with inflammation, in cocaine abusers is associated with endothelial abnormalities and coronary artery calcification; factors known to contribute to heart disease.
Hospital Inpatient - Mora, New MexicoAny person who is heavily addicted to drugs or alcohol will benefit greatly by receiving treatment from a hospital inpatient rehab program. These types of programs are focused towards physical health, mental health and medical stabilization. Recovering persons will have access to medication as well as medical staff around the clock. While not every person attempting recovery requires this level of care, it is helpful to those who have severe physical addiction problems to drugs or alcohol. Hospital inpatient programs commonly last several days to even up to a month. Once the hospital inpatient part of their treatment plan is complete they may choose to enter a sober living program or transfer into an outpatient program.