- Marijuana withdrawal symptoms can include but are not limited to a loss of appetite, an inability to sleep, depression, headache, excessive sweating, loose stools, nausea, anxiety, paranoia and irritability or aggression.
- Studies indicate that Asian-American adolescent girls in the U.S. are the least likely use marijuana.
- Studies indicate that the effects of acute doses of Ecstasy affect the areas of the brain involved in higher thought processes, raising concerns regarding possible long-term effects on both infrequent and regular users of Ecstasy.
- Inhalants are highly addictive when abused recreationally which can lead to a chronic substance abuse problem that will often extend into adulthood.
Littleton, CO. - Hospital InpatientAny person who is seriously addicted to drugs or alcohol will benefit tremendously by attending a hospital inpatient program. These types of programs are focused towards physical health, mental health and medical stabilization. Recovering persons will have access to medication as well as medical staff around the clock. While not every drug addict needs this level of care, it is helpful to those who have severe physical addiction problems to drugs or alcohol. Hospital inpatient programs commonly last several days to even up to a month. Once the inpatient portion of their treatment plan is complete they may choose to enter a sober living setting or transfer into an outpatient program.