- It is not uncommon for cocaine addicted professionals, such as lawyers, physicians, bankers, and athletes, to have daily cocaine habits costing hundreds to thousands of dollars, with binges in the $20,000-$50,000 range.
- The most common side effects individuals will experience will on GHB are nausea and vomiting, delusions, depression, hallucinations, seizures, difficulty breathing, slowed heart rate, low blood pressure, amnesia, and even coma.
- Valium specifically was detected in 26% of DUI cases in Sweden and its active metabolite nordazepam was detected in 28% of cases.
- Most physicians agree that Xanax is a drug that is widely abused and highly addictive.
Lamar, PA. - AdolescentsAs a parent or guardian the thought of enrolling your child into a drug treatment program is often an overwhelming task. Sadly, just like adults, adolescents become addicted to drugs and alcohol and need professional treatment in order to stop using. Due to their young age it is not an option for them to attend an adult drug rehab. Many specialized and age appropriate drug rehab centers have been developed to focus on adolescents and their distinct requirements pertaining to drug addiction recovery. Substance abuse professionals who are trained in youth counseling and therapy are able to work with your child and guide them through their recovery process.