


  • One of the dangers of abusing Lortab is that the individual is constantly putting themselves at risk of experiencing many unwanted and harmful side effects of the drug.
  • Parents who don't understand or consider the risks associated with giving prescription drugs to a teenager or other family member for whom the medication was not prescribed are putting these individuals at risk of adverse affects of prescription drug use as well as dependence and addiction.
  • LSD acquired at street level is very often impure and can contain various other chemicals, such as "PCP" or "speed".
  • When Percocet users overdose, they will typically feel restless and nauseous and then progress into loss of consciousness and abnormal breathing which may result in death.


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Lake Geneva, Wisconsin - Residential Long-Term Rehabilitation (More Than 30 Days)

Attending and finishing a residential long-term rehabilitation (more than 30 days) program in Lake Geneva is typically the cornerstone in an addict's successful recovery from their particular struggles with drug and alcohol addiction. This variety of drug rehab is much more intensive than others mainly because the individual lives at the facility full-time during the treatment process. While many addicts are initially hesitant about going to a long-term program lasting longer than 30 days they soon recognize the fantastic benefit. A residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days) program gives the recovering individual the time to completely withdrawal from drugs and concentrate on themselves. Shorter programs are not capable of this due to their brief duration.