- Research indicates that young adults are more likely to consume alcohol for positive or celebratory reasons than to cope with negative feelings.
- The effects caused by OxyContin when used illicitly make it a suitable substitute for heroin, making its use attractive to the same abuser population.
- U.S. emergency room visits involving prescription drug overdoses in the U.S. are now on par with the number of visits from overdoses of illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin.
- Methamphetamine causes a release of high levels of dopamine into the areas of the brain that have to do with the feeling of pleasure and reward, which is why the drug is so addictive.
Lahmansville, WV. - Hospital InpatientA person who is seriously addicted to drugs or alcohol will benefit tremendously by attending a hospital inpatient rehab program. These types of programs are geared towards physical health, mental health and medical stabilization. Recovering persons will have access to medication as well as medical staff around the clock. While not every drug addict requires this level of care, it is useful to those who have severe physical addiction problems to drugs or alcohol. Hospital inpatient programs commonly last several days to several weeks. Once the inpatient portion of their treatment plan is finished they may choose to enter a sober living facility or transfer into an outpatient program.