- One common denominator among Bath Salt users appears to be that most have an extensive history of substance abuse.
- The strength and how long the effects of the drug last are the main reasons OxyContin is attractive to both abusers and legitimate users.
- Locations in the Northeast, including Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont, and the West including Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington have the lowest rates of perceived risk of occasional use of marijuana (once a month) among persons aged 12 or older.
- White wine and clear liquors such as rum, vodka and gin have fewer toxins and tend to cause less frequent and less severe hangovers than darker varieties of alcohol.
Hospital Inpatient - HickoryAny person who is seriously addicted to drugs or alcohol will benefit greatly by receiving treatment from a hospital inpatient program. These types of programs are focused towards making the individual�''s withdrawal and detox as smooth as possible. Recovering persons will have access to medication as well as medical staff around the clock. While not every drug addict requires this level of care, it is beneficial to those who have severe physical addiction problems to drugs or alcohol. Hospital inpatient programs often last several days to several weeks. Once the hospital inpatient portion of their treatment plan is finished they may choose to participate at a sober living program or transfer into an outpatient program.