- The worst symptoms from withdrawal from Codeine pass within a few days, but it can take months to feel normal.
- Methadone which can be obtained illegally is of uncertain purity and dosage, and individuals have no idea what they are actually buying or if the drug has been tampered with.
- Vicodin overdose can be fatal or result in permanent brain damage if treatment is delayed and a large amount of the drug has been taken, so it is important that individuals get help immediately if it is suspected that they have overdosed.
- Stimulants were responsible for over 5% of the emergency room visits in 2009 for patients who were seeking detox or substance abuse treatment as the reason for their visit.
Hospital Inpatient - Hershey, PA.An individual who is heavily addicted to drugs or alcohol will benefit tremendously by attending a hospital inpatient program. These types of programs are focused towards physical health, mental health and medical stabilization. Recovering persons will have access to medication as well as medical staff around the clock. While not every person attempting recovery requires this level of care, it is helpful to those who have severe physical addiction problems to drugs or alcohol. Hospital inpatient programs often last several days to even up to a month. Once the inpatient part of their treatment plan is finished they may choose to enter a sober living program or transfer into an outpatient program.