- Opana overdose will often result in the following symptoms: pinpoint pupils, stupor, difficult or slow breathing, slowed pulse, nausea, vomiting, constipation, flaccid muscles, low blood pressure, extreme fatigue, blue fingernails and lips, spasms of the stomach or intestinal tract, palpitations, coma, apnea, circulatory collapse, bradycardia, hypotension, cardiac arrest or death.
- The high level of alcohol consumption is many times greater than the level of illegal drug use, making it one of America's most serious drug problems.
- LSD produces unpredictable psychological effects known as "trips" which last about 12 hours.
- Propellant in canned air when inhaled can fill the lungs completely and leave no room for oxygen, which can cause death.
Hospital Inpatient - Hackettstown, New JerseyAny person who is heavily addicted to drugs or alcohol will benefit tremendously by receiving treatment from a hospital inpatient rehab program. These types of programs are geared towards making the individual�''s withdrawal and detox as smooth as possible. Recovering persons will have access to medication as well as medical staff around the clock. While not every drug addict needs this level of care, it is helpful to those who have severe physical addiction problems to drugs or alcohol. Hospital inpatient programs commonly last several days to even up to a month. Once the hospital inpatient portion of their recovery is complete they may choose to participate at a sober living facility or transfer into an outpatient program.