- There are around 25 brands of alcoholic beverages which contain a combination of alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulants which are sold in a variety of U.S. retail alcohol outlets, including many convenience stores.
- The rate of emergency room department visits during 2009 in which heroin was a factor was highest among individuals aged 21-24.
- When methadone is used to help an individual avoid opiate withdrawal symptoms, doses of methadone are administered every four to six hours and are slowly decreased until withdrawal symptoms have disappeared, then dosages are discontinued. It is likely that the individual will become dependent to Methadone however and the individual should research all options before choosing this one.
- Some Ecstasy users experience a feeling of euphoria, a sense of intimacy with others, and diminished anxiety.
Grafton, WV. - MenMen only drug rehabilitation programs are similar to standard, co-ed rehab centers except all the clients are male. These gender specific recovery programs are beneficial for men because they are able to participate with recovery in an environment where they can feel free of judgment and having to maintain a tough exterior at all times. What drives men to experiment and become addicted to drugs or alcohol is typically different than women. The core issues that men struggle with when it comes to achieving and maintaining sobriety are also different than women. While attending a men only drug treatment program participants are counseled on these male specific issues and are given the education they need on how to avoid drugs and alcohol once they complete the rehab program.