


  • It has been proven that drug rehab reduces costs associated with health and social costs of addiction, by far more than the cost of the treatment itself.
  • Just one Ecstasy pill can cause a high which can last anywhere from three to six hours.
  • Long term marijuana users will sometimes utilize the drug to escape from problems, ease feelings of anger or frustration, and to get through the day.
  • Research indicates that, like cocaine and other abused drugs, opiates activate the brain's reward system causing pain relief, a sense of euphoria and pleasure.


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Fayetteville, NC. - Halfway House

A halfway house is a good option for a recovering drug addict that is looking for additional structure once they have finished a drug rehabilitation program. It is a setting where they can be surrounded by like-minded persons who are in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. When you choose to live at a halfway house (also known as sober living or recovery house) you will be required to maintain your sobriety. It is common that there will be additional rules and guidelines that you will need to adhere to in order to maintain your residence at the halfway house. You may be expected to attend recovery meetings and be subjected to random drug tests to confirm your continued abstinence.

  • Myrover Reese Fellowship Homes Inc
    Myrover Reese Fellowship Homes Inc is located at:

    560 Wilkes Road
    Fayetteville, NC. 28306

    If you would like to contact Myrover Reese Fellowship Homes Inc, you can reach them at 910-779-1306.

    Myrover Reese Fellowship Homes Inc offers the following treatment services: Halfway House
    Payment forms accepted:
  • Myrover Reese
    Myrover Reese is located at:

    613 Quality Road
    Fayetteville, NC. 28306

    If you would like to contact Myrover Reese, you can reach them at 910-779-1306.

    Myrover Reese offers the following treatment services: Halfway House
    Payment forms accepted: