- It is important for both legitimate and illicit users to understand that even moderate doses of Percocet have been known to result in fatal drug overdoses.
- Special trainers are in place in many high schools throughout the nation to teach athletes proper weightlifting techniques to help them to bulk up without the use of illegal anabolic steroids.
- Unlike other drug of abuse such as cocaine and heroin, methamphetamine is produced using common household chemicals and is a man-made drug.
- There is no physical withdrawal from Crack or Cocaine as there is with other drugs such as heroin. The withdrawal symptoms are more of a psychological nature rather than physical including an intense hunger, irritability, fatigue, long but disturbed sleep
Methadone Detoxification - Edmond, West VirginiaMethadone detoxification can be a very uncomfortable and taxing experience. Symptoms usually begin between twenty-four and forty-eight hours after the user's last dose of the drug. Typical withdrawal symptoms include: stomach cramps, sweating, nausea, tremors, extreme opiate cravings, sneezing, irritability, chills, anxiety, paranoia, fuzzy-headedness, clinical depression and hallucinations. Additionally, these unpleasant methadone withdrawal symptoms will last much longer than heroin withdrawal symptoms. Depending on the dose of methadone you have been taking the symptoms can last for several weeks to several months. Professionals in the field of methadone detoxification typically advise the gradual decrease of the drug over a period of time instead of stopping all at once.