- Of the over 2 million Americans aged 12 or older in need of treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem in 2010, 2.6 million received this treatment at a specialty facility. However, 20.5 million persons who required treatment did not receive it.
- Moldy or bad magic mushrooms may contain poisons and harmful bacteria that can make a person very ill.
- The human liver combines cocaine and alcohol to produce a third substance, cocaethylene, which intensifies the effects of the drug. Cocaethylene is associated with a greater risk of sudden death than just crack cocaine.
- Major heroin withdrawal symptoms peek about 48 and 72 hours after the last heroin dose and subside after about a week.
Halfway House - Dry Run, PA.A halfway house is an option for a recovering drug addict that is looking for additional support once they have completed a drug treatment program. It is an atmosphere where they can be surrounded by like-minded persons who are in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. When you choose to stay at a halfway house (also known as recovery house or sober living) you will be required to maintain your sobriety. typically there will be additional rules and guidelines that you will need to adhere to in order to maintain your residence at the halfway house. You may be expected to attend recovery meetings and be subjected to random drug tests to confirm your sobriety.