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Dilaudid Withdrawal Symptoms

Dilaudid is a very powerful pain killer that is often prescribed for moderate to severe pain. It is also prescribed as a cough suppressant for influenza patients and others suffering from pulmonary diseases. Many people are given dilaudid during extended hospital stays when pain may be immense. Unfortunately, a hospitalized patient can become addicted to dilaudid in as little as a week or two.

Dilaudid is also used by drug addicts, especially those who also use heroin. it is a relatively easy drug to obtain. Some addicts will go to multiple doctors for a dilaudid prescription without any of the doctors knowing about the others. Dilaudid addicts can also purchase dilaudid from dealers. The source of this dilaudid is usually from pharmacy robberies.

The generic name for dilaudid is hydromorphone. As a derivative of morphine, dilaudid is an opioid class drug. Dilaudid is about three to four times more powerful at relieving pain than morphine. It works by binding to opioid receptors found in the brain which prevents the body from experiencing pain.

When a person stops taking dilaudid, they may experience both physical and mental dilaudid withdrawal symptoms that can last from a few days to several years depending on how strong the addiction is. Withdrawal symptoms are similar to those experienced by people withdrawing from morphine, only much more intense.

The physical withdrawal symptoms depends in part on how long the person was taking dilaudid, how often it was taken, and how high the dosage was when taken.

At lower doses over a shorter period of time, the main dilaudid physical withdrawal symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 1. Dizziness and feeling light-headed
  • 2. Headache
  • 3. Nausea and vomiting
  • 4. Sweating more than normal
  • 5. Cloudy mental capacities
  • 6. Yawning

Dilaudid symptoms can be much more severe after higher doses and after taking dilaudid for longer periods of time. In addition to the symptoms described above, additional withdrawal symptoms that one might experience include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 1. Intensely itchy skin
  • 2. Muscle pain and muscle cramps
  • 3. Bone pain
  • 4. Flu like symptoms like runny nose and watery eyes
  • 5. Goosebumps and the chills
  • 6. Hot flashes
  • 7. Insomnia
  • 8. Rapid heart rate
  • 9. Labored breathing
  • 10. Loss of appetite
  • 11. Water retention, especially in the extremities

The psychological and mental withdrawal symptoms can be almost worse than the physical withdrawal symptoms and can often last longer, sometimes for years after recovery. These symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 1. General anxiety
  • 2. Depression
  • 3. Cognitive impairment
  • 4. Irritability
  • 5. Mood disorders
  • 6. Anorexia

To recover from dilaudid addiction, it is highly recommended that one enter a rehab center so they can be monitored closely. The usual game plan is to ween someone off dilaudid gradually as cutting dilaudid cold turkey can be dangerous. Cutting dilaudid all at once may also produce such severe symptoms it would be unbearable to the recovery patient. Usually, the rehab staff will attempt to give the patient temporary relief from withdrawal symptoms while simultaneously helping the patient to work toward long-term recovery.

Dilaudid withdrawal symptoms will start five to ten hours after stopping or reducing dilaudid. However, the worst part usually takes place after about a day and a half. This is because the body is undergoing a detox, trying to get rid of the dilaudid. This is the period when the most vomiting and severe muscle spasms may occur. However, a recovery patient can take comfort in knowing the most intense period of withdrawal symptoms will only last about a day. Having the benefit of constant medical supervision and psychological counseling in a rehab center greatly increases the chances of making it through this difficult period without a relapse. The entire detoxification process usually lasts at least a few weeks. In fact, dilaudid residuals can remain in the body for months or even years. These residuals are what sometimes trigger relapses months later. However, with the proper training, an individual can make it through these recurring episodes without a relapse.

A good rehab center is able to help patients ease the dilaudid withdrawal symptoms they experience as they go through the different stages of recovery. In addition to using medications to help with the detox symptoms, a good rehab center will also offer intensive psychotherapy in the form of individual sessions and also group sessions. Being able to interact with others who are recovering from addiction and build a support network is one of the key ingredients to a successful recovery.


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