- Smoking cocaine or any drug allows extremely high doses to reach the brain very quickly and brings an intense and immediate high.
- Inhaling the refrigerant Freon to get high may cause sudden sniffing death syndrome, respiratory obstruction and in rare instances, death.
- Inhaling methylene chloride to get high, a chemical commonly found in degreasers, can cause a reduction of oxygen and changes to the heart muscle and irregular heartbeat.
- Rare Ativan side effects can include abnormal thinking, including disorientation, delusions or loss of sense of reality, agitation; behavior changes, including aggressive behavior, bizarre behavior, decreased inhibition, or outbursts of anger, seizures, hallucinations, muscle weakness, skin rash or itching, sore throat, fever, and chills, trouble in sleeping, uncontrolled movements of body, including the eyes, unusual bleeding or bruising; unusual excitement, nervousness, or irritability, unusual tiredness or weakness, and yellow eyes or skin.
Men - Dale, WisconsinMen only drug rehab facilities are comparable to standard rehab centers except all the clients are male. These gender specific recovery facilities are beneficial for men because they are able to participate with recovery in an environment where they can feel free of judgment and having to maintain a tough exterior at all times. What drives men to experiment and become addicted to drugs or alcohol is typically different than women. The core issues that men struggle with when it comes to achieving and maintaining sobriety are also different than women. While attending a men only drug treatment program participants are counseled on these male specific issues and are given the education they need on how to avoid drugs and alcohol once they leave treatment.