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Signs Of An Ambien Overdose

Ambien is one of the most commonly prescribed sleeping pills that are used to treat severe cases of insomnia. This prescription medication belongs to a group of drugs known as sedative-hypnotics, which effectively help the patients to calm down and fall asleep. However, Ambien is a drug that is supposed to be prescribed only on a short-term basis. It is usually suggested that Ambien should not be taken for more than two weeks. However, unfortunately, a lot of physicians fail to take note of these warnings and over-prescribe the drug. Similarly, many patients prefer to overlook the risks associated with Ambien overdose and addiction and continue to take the drug for a prolonged period of time.

Ambien overdose can lead to both severe depressions in the central nervous system as well as organ toxicity. These can result in potentially hazardous side effects therefore; Ambien dosage must be strictly monitored. The chances of an overdose augments dramatically when the user also takes other drugs such opioid pain relievers, benzodiazepines and alcohol, which are known to cause depression in the central nervous system. Ambien overdoses can have serious consequences as they often result in coma, heart failure and even death. Hence, it is imperative to be conscious of the signs of an Ambien overdose.

Signs Of An Ambien Overdose:

Heartbeat Irregularities:

An overdose of Ambien can give rise to signs of cardiovascular problems. Such complications may comprise of heartbeat abnormality, such as a reduction in heart rate. A decrease in heart rate may also lead to loss of consciousness or fainting as the brain does not receive sufficient supply of blood.

Psychiatric Side Effects:

Ambien can often induce bizarre and weird thoughts and behavior. If the symptoms are extreme, they can also include confusion followed by suicidal thoughts and actions, perceiving and hearing things that are non-existent, aggravation of depression and inappropriate nervousness and excitement. Strange outgoing behavior and violence can also occur.

Slow Breathing:

Ambien overdose often leads to respiratory disorder in many users. Breathing issues, such as shallow breathing, may arise due to an overdose of Ambien. Additional symptoms, like lightheadedness, can also take place as an outcome of respiratory problems. These symptoms usually occur due to a decline in the levels of oxygen in the blood that inhibits the normal functioning of the brain as well as other bodily tissues.

Cognitive Dysfunction:

An overdose of Ambien can cause extreme drowsiness, bewilderment in some patients, loss of consciousness and fainting. Additionally, clumsiness or staggering, abdominal cramps, shaking, vomiting, seizures and sweating are seen in more severe cases of overdose.


Excessive intake of Ambien can damage the brain and lead to coma. Since Ambien is a known central nervous system depressant, people who intake undue amount of Ambien may become drowsy, or excessively lethargic. In addition, when Ambien carries on to slow down the functions of the brain, the affected person may slip into a coma while their respiratory status worsens and blood pressure level drops. If these symptoms are ignored and left untreated, the consequences can be fatal.


In some rare cases, Ambien overdose can cause death. Exceptionally high levels of Ambien in the body can cause considerable complications such as the cessation of breathing or heart beat. Such complications are more liable to take place if additional hazardous substances such as other drugs or alcohol are consumed in addition to Ambien overdose.

Treatment for an Ambien Addiction:

The treatment methods for an Ambien overdose vary as per the severity of the addiction. If the drug overdose was recent, the physician may give certain medications or insert a tube in the stomach to "pump" it. However, if Ambien gets absorbed into the body then it becomes difficult to remove it quickly using the regular treatment methods. Therefore, in such cases, the treatment entails supportive care, which comprises of treating the signs that crop up as a consequence of the overdose. Furthermore, treatment for an Ambien overdose also requires close scrutinizing of the heart and lungs.

Overall, an Ambien addiction can be a life changing problem, particularly, if the addiction leads to an overdose, which is why it is essential to obtain professional help. Overcoming an addiction is beneficial in the long run as it prevents the fatalities involved with an overdose and also improves the addict's life by saving them psychologically, physically and financially.


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