


  • Studies with lab animals have proven that animals will work more persistently at pressing a bar for cocaine than for any drug, including opiates.
  • Severe depression and vomiting are very common symptoms during morphine withdrawal.
  • Toxic by-products which are produced in the process of making methamphetamine are often disposed of in such a manner that they can persist in soil and ground water for years, causing major health hazards.
  • Statistics show a recent increase in daily marijuana use among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, most notable among 12th graders at 6.1%, highest since the early 1980s.


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Weatherford, Texas - Methadone Detoxification

Methadone detoxification can be a very uncomfortable and challenging experience. Symptoms usually begin between twenty-four and forty-eight hours after the user's last dose of the drug. Typical withdrawal symptoms include: stomach cramps, nausea, sweating, tremors, extreme opiate cravings, sneezing, irritability, fever, anxiety, fuzzy-headedness, paranoia, clinical depression and hallucinations. Additionally, methadone withdrawal symptoms will last much longer than heroin withdrawal symptoms. Depending on the dose of methadone you have been taking the symptoms can last for several weeks to several months. Professionals in the field of methadone detoxification typically advise the gradual decrease of the drug over a period of time instead of completely stopping all at once.

  • Texas Treatment Services
    27.8 miles from Weatherford, Texas
    Texas Treatment Services is located at:

    700 Hemphill Street
    Fort Worth, TX. 76104

    If you would like to contact Texas Treatment Services, you can reach them at 817-334-0111.

    Texas Treatment Services offers the following treatment services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Detoxification, Methadone Detoxification, Outpatient
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment
  • Haltom City Treatment Services LLC
    31.5 miles from Weatherford, Texas
    Haltom City Treatment Services LLC is located at:

    3529 Denton Highway
    Haltom City, TX. 76117

    If you would like to contact Haltom City Treatment Services LLC, you can reach them at 817-759-0707.

    Haltom City Treatment Services LLC offers the following treatment services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Detoxification, Methadone Detoxification, Outpatient, Seniors/Older Adults, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment