


  • Recreational users of Adderall are typically taking much larger doses than would normally be prescribed which puts them at risk of overdose.
  • When the brain is given a dose of fentanyl, it raises the levels of certain chemicals in the brain that trigger a state of euphoria and relaxation which is why it is sometimes abused to get high.
  • Opana is a prescription drug which is a semi-synthetic opioid pain killer closely related to morphine.
  • LSD is sometimes sold as glue which is placed on the back of stamp that can be licked off so that the user is able to experience the effects of the drug.


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Partial Hospitalization-Day Treatment - Springfield

For individuals not demanding the intensive care that inpatient drug rehab in Springfield, MO. offers but still in need of a lot more attention than an outpatient program, partial hospitalization / day treatment is a great option. Clients are generally enrolled into this kind of treatment as a prevention measure when it comes to their substance abuse difficulties or as a transition back into their life in the community. Partial hospitalization / day treatment usually lasts for a number of hours a day (if not the entire day itself) and for several days throughout the week (if not the entire week). Throughout their time in treatment individuals will most likely participate in individual counseling and group therapy in addition to other social activities to create their life skills.