


  • Opana is a prescription drug which is a semi-synthetic opioid pain killer closely related to morphine.
  • Some cocaine users experience agitation and extreme suspicion when they quit using cocaine.
  • There are increased rates of heavy alcohol consumption amongst those with less than a college degree.
  • In late 2003 researchers found at least 93 cases of babies who were experiencing neonatal convulsions and withdrawal symptoms because their mothers had used antidepressants while carrying the baby to term.


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Other Languages - Springfield

While searching for a drug rehab to attend can seem like a difficult task, locating one that offers services for other languages is an added challenge. However, today many programs employ staff members who are bilingual. When you have discovered a rehab program that meets your needs, speak to their staff about the likelihood of providing their services other languages during you or your loved one's time in treatment. Although they may not initially have the capability to offer their services in other languages they may perhaps be able to find a way to accommodate your needs. Often the rehab program will do its best to to provide special services in order to help everybody they can.